MMS</b> का पूर्ण रूप या पूरा नाम, Acronyms, Abbreviations (2024)

MMS के कुछ और पूर्ण नाम या फुल फॉर्म अन्य श्रेणियों में उपयोग किए जाते हैं

अगर आप ऊपर दी गई पूर्ण नाम के अलावा और कोई पूर्ण नाम ढूंढ रहे हैं तो नीचे दी गई पूर्ण नाम को पढ़ सकते हैं

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : McMillan Shakespeare Ltd
Category : Business » ASX Symbols

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Multi Media System
Category : Miscellaneous » Automotive

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Motorsport Mobility System
Category : Miscellaneous » Automotive

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Mass Movement Sensor
Category : Miscellaneous » Automotive

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Mini Mobility System
Category : Miscellaneous » Automotive

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Mille Miglia Storica
Category : Miscellaneous » Automotive

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Melbourne Motor Show
Category : Miscellaneous » Automotive

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Mitsubishi Multi Communication System
Category : Miscellaneous » Automotive

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Moving Motor Show
Category : Miscellaneous » Automotive

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Milan Motor Show
Category : Miscellaneous » Automotive

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Mitsubishi Motor Sports
Category : Miscellaneous » Automotive

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Mass Management Scheme
Category : Miscellaneous » Automotive

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Maintenance Management System
Category : Miscellaneous » Automotive

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Machine Monitoring System
Category : Miscellaneous » Automotive

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Multi Material Sandwich
Category : Miscellaneous » Automotive

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Multi-Around View Monitor System
Category : Miscellaneous » Automotive

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Mumbai Motor Show
Category : Miscellaneous » Automotive

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Mazda Mobile Start
Category : Miscellaneous » Automotive

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Montevideo Motor Show
Category : Miscellaneous » Automotive

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Motorsport Marshalling Services
Category : Miscellaneous » Automotive

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Master of Management Studies [New Zealand, Australia and UK] Similar to an MBA
Category : Academic & Science » British Degree

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Material Management System
Category : Business

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Make Me Smile
Category : Internet » Chat

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Microsoft Management Summit
Category : Community » Conferences

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Master of Management Studies
Category : Academic & Science » Academic Degrees

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Massachusetts Medical Society
Category : Community » Educational

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Multi-Micro Sensor
Category : Academic & Science » Electronics

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Monolithic Miniature Spectrometer
Category : Academic & Science » Electronics

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Machine Monitoring System
Category : Academic & Science » Engineering

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Mohammad Muzzammil Shah
Category : Community » Famous & Celebs

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Modern Machine Shop
Category : Business » Companies & Firms

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Majestic Mountain Sage
Category : Business » Companies & Firms

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Medical Measurement Systems
Category : Business » Companies & Firms

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Morley's Magic Stick
Category : Business » Companies & Firms

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : McAfee Mobile Security
Category : Business » Companies & Firms

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Miracle Mineral Supplement
Category : Miscellaneous » Food & Nutrition

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Most Men Syndrome
Category : Miscellaneous » Funnies

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Multi Monitor Series
Category : Computing » General Computing

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Modular Mechatronic System
Category : Computing » General Computing

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Molecular Modeling System
Category : Medical » Human Genome

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Minerals Management Service
Category : Governmental

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Multimedia Messaging Service
Category : Computing » IT

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Microsoft Media Server
Category : Computing » IT

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Multi Media System
Category : Computing » IT

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Multimedia Message System
Category : Computing » IT

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Modem Management System
Category : Computing » IT

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Memory Management System
Category : Computing » IT

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Module Management System
Category : Computing » IT

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Motion Math Script
Category : Computing » IT

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Mpeg Menu System
Category : Computing » IT

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Microsoft Metadirectory Services
Category : Computing » IT

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Microsoft Mediaplayer Stream
Category : Computing » IT

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Multi Media Stick
Category : Computing » IT

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Main Memory Status
Category : Computing » IT

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Multi Media Services
Category : Computing » IT

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Microsoft Management Summit
Category : Computing » IT

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Manufacturing Message Service
Category : Computing » IT

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Manufacturing Message Standard
Category : Computing » IT

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Manufacturing Messaging Specification
Category : Computing » IT

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Modular Measurement System
Category : Computing » IT

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Management and Monitoring Services
Category : Computing » IT

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Multimedia Management System
Category : Computing » IT

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Microsoft Multimedia Server
Category : Computing » IT

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Mcafee Mobile Security
Category : Computing » IT

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Maghreb Minerals
Category : Business » London Stock Exchange

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Market Makers for the Stock
Category : Business » London Stock Exchange

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : MongoDB Management Service
Category : Business » Management

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Midwest Management Summit
Category : Business » Management

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Module Management System
Category : Business » Management

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Masters in Management Studies
Category : Business » Management

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Mail Management Services
Category : Business » Management

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Measures Management System
Category : Business » Management

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Multifamily Management Services
Category : Business » Management

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Medical Marketing Service
Category : Business » Marketing

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Multiple Model System
Category : Academic & Science » Mathematics

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids
Category : Academic & Science » Mathematics

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids
Category : Academic & Science » Mechanics

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Manuscript Management System
Category : Community » News & Media

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Multi Media Service
Category : Community » News & Media

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Microsoft Media Server
Category : Community » News & Media

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Multimedia Messenger Service
Category : Community » News & Media

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Massachusetts Medical Society
Category : Medical

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Mayo Medical School
Category : Medical

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Midwest Medical Supply
Category : Medical

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : McKesson Medical Surgical
Category : Medical

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Machine Monitoring System
Category : Medical

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Mineral Management Service
Category : Academic & Science » Meteorology

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Meteorological Measuring Set
Category : Governmental » Military

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Mast-Mounted Sight
Category : Governmental » Military

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Members Mortgage Services
Category : Business » Mortgage

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Morley's Magic Stick
Category : Community » Music

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Magnetospheric MultiScale
Category : Governmental » NASA

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Mission Modular Spacecraft
Category : Governmental » NASA

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Modular Multiband Scanner
Category : Governmental » NASA

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Multimission Modular Spacecraft
Category : Governmental » NASA

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Manufacturing Message Specification
Category : Computing » Networking

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Multimedia Messaging Services
Category : Computing » Networking

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Membership Management System
Category : Community » Non-Profit Organizations

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Massachusettws Medical Society
Category : Community » Non-Profit Organizations

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Maximus, Inc.
Category : Business » NYSE Symbols

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Minerals Management Service
Category : Academic & Science » Ocean Science

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : McAfee Mobile Security
Category : Business » Products

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : McCord Middle School
Category : Community » Schools

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Memorial Middle School
Category : Community » Schools

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Marshall Middle School
Category : Community » Schools

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Mason Middle School
Category : Community » Schools

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Modern Montessori School
Category : Community » Schools

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Marshwood Middle School
Category : Community » Schools

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Murphysboro Middle School
Category : Community » Schools

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Mrachek Middle School
Category : Community » Schools

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Master of Mathematical Sciences
Category : Academic & Science

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : McAfee Mobile Security
Category : Computing » Cyber & Security

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Multi-media Messaging System
Category : Computing » Texting

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Manchester Medical Society
Category : Academic & Science » Societies

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Microsoft Metadirectory Services
Category : Computing » Software

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Microsoft Multimedia Server
Category : Computing » Software

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Masala Messaging Service
Category : Computing » Software

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Modsports Mick Series
Category : Sports

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Methodology Measurement and Statistics
Category : Academic & Science » Statistics

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Multimedia Messaging Service
Category : Computing » Telecom

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Motorola Messaging Server
Category : Computing » Telecom

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Maintenance Management System
Category : Governmental » Transportation

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Mason Mechanical System
Category : Miscellaneous » Unclassified

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Multi Mission Sensor
Category : Miscellaneous » Unclassified

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Multi Measuring System
Category : Miscellaneous » Unclassified

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Movement Monitoring System
Category : Miscellaneous » Unclassified

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Modular Metal Screen
Category : Miscellaneous » Unclassified

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Media Message Service
Category : Miscellaneous » Unclassified

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Mouthaan Marine Services
Category : Miscellaneous » Unclassified

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Miracle Mineral Solution
Category : Miscellaneous » Unclassified

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Mobile Messaging Solutions
Category : Miscellaneous » Unclassified

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Monteith Mineralized Solutions
Category : Miscellaneous » Unclassified

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Miracle Mineral Solutions
Category : Miscellaneous » Unclassified

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Multimedia Message Service
Category : Miscellaneous » Unclassified

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Master Mineral Solution
Category : Miscellaneous » Unclassified

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Mast Mounted Sight
Category : Miscellaneous » Unclassified

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Mobility Managed Services
Category : Miscellaneous » Unclassified

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Multiscale Modeling and Simulation
Category : Miscellaneous » Unclassified

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Maham Mehrish Shaima
Category : Miscellaneous » Unclassified

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Multi Message Services
Category : Miscellaneous » Unclassified

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Masonic Membership Solutions
Category : Miscellaneous » Unclassified

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Minerals Management Service
Category : Governmental » US Government

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Maintenance Management Services
Category : Governmental » US Government

Short Form : MMS
Full Form : Manifest Mailing System
Category : Miscellaneous » USPS

MMS ऐसा कुछ और फुल फॉर्म

MMRFA का पूर्ण रूप
MMRFN का पूर्ण रूप
MMRFR का पूर्ण रूप
MMRG का पूर्ण रूप
MMRHS का पूर्ण रूप
MMRI का पूर्ण रूप
MMRO का पूर्ण रूप
MMRP का पूर्ण रूप
MMRR का पूर्ण रूप
MMRS का पूर्ण रूप
MMRSM का पूर्ण रूप
MMRT का पूर्ण रूप
MMRTG का पूर्ण रूप
MMRV का पूर्ण रूप
MMRWRPG का पूर्ण रूप
MMRX का पूर्ण रूप
MMS का पूर्ण रूप
MMS F का पूर्ण रूप
MMS1 का पूर्ण रूप
MMS2 का पूर्ण रूप
MMS3 का पूर्ण रूप
MMSA का पूर्ण रूप
MMSAC का पूर्ण रूप
MMSB का पूर्ण रूप
MMSB (CFSAN) का पूर्ण रूप
MMSC का पूर्ण रूप
MMSCC का पूर्ण रूप
MMSCF का पूर्ण रूप
MMSCFD का पूर्ण रूप
MMSCM का पूर्ण रूप
MMSCMD का पूर्ण रूप
MMSD का पूर्ण रूप
MMSDC का पूर्ण रूप

External Link of MMS

MMS</b> का पूर्ण रूप या पूरा नाम, Acronyms, Abbreviations (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.