Sorcerer - Heroes of Hammerwatch wiki (2024)










Witch Hunter

The Sorcerer is a spell-casting class which uses ice spells.
Many spells from the Sorcerer focus on putting a lot of projectiles on screen to deal mass damage to everything around himself.
His primary and Frost Nova aim towards the nearest enemy when they bounce off a wall.
The Sorcerer's Character Title will add mana regen for everyone in your guild.


  • 1 Skills and Abilities
    • 1.1 Frost Shard (Primary Attack)
    • 1.2 Comet (Skill 1)
    • 1.3 Frost Nova (Skill 2)
    • 1.4 Orb of Winter (Skill 3)
    • 1.5 Biting Chill (Passive 1)
    • 1.6 Ice Barrier (Passive 2)
    • 1.7 Shatter (Passive 3)
  • 2 Stats

Skills and Abilities

The tables below list base and Tiers as they're shown in the guild hall.As an example, the first upgrade for Frost Nova can be bought at a Tier 2 guild hall.
Every upgrade to a skill costs skill stars, which are shown in the upper-right corner of the screen while in town.

Sorcerer skills
Frost ShardCometFrost NovaOrb of WinterBiting ChillIce BarrierShatter

Frost Shard (Primary Attack)

Fires a frost shard that deals hybrid damage. The shard can ricochet a certain number of times off walls or enemies before breaking.
The shard’s damage will increase by 10% for every ricochet it does.
Sorcerer primary attack speed is 0.35 seconds.

UpgradesStartingTier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4Tier 5
Star CostN/A34568

Comet (Skill 1)

Drops a comet that deals hybrid damage split among all enemies it hits. Enemies are frozen in place for two seconds.
The comet drops a fixed distance from the sorcerer in the targeted direction. This can be cast over walls allowing you take take out enemies from a position of safety.

UpgradesBaseTier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4Tier 5
Mana Cost253035404550
Star CostN/A34568

Frost Nova (Skill 2)

Unleash a large number of frost balls in all directions around the Sorcerer dealing hybrid damage.
If a frost ball bounces off a wall, it will ricochet towards the nearest enemy's position.

UpgradesBaseTier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4Tier 5
Mana CostN/AN/A35455565
Star CostN/AN/A56810

Orb of Winter (Skill 3)

Spawns a slow moving ice orb that moves forward for several seconds, unleashing ice shards in all directions that deal hybrid damage.
The orb will bounce off of walls, spawners, and any enemy that has a life bar. The shards unleashed by the orb will also bounce off of walls.

UpgradesBaseTier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4Tier 5
Mana CostN/AN/AN/A120150180
Star CostN/AN/AN/A7912

Biting Chill (Passive 1)

Slows and freezes enemies hit by the Sorcerer's skills by a percentage for a few seconds.

UpgradesBaseTier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4Tier 5
Star CostN/A23456

Ice Barrier (Passive 2)

Every time the Sorcerer casts a skill, he is given an ice shield stack which can block a percentage of damage
The stacks are visible in the bottom right next to your skills, in the same column as monolith buffs.

UpgradesBaseTier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4Tier 5
% Damage Blocked/StackN/AN/A20304050
Maximum StacksN/AN/A5678
Star CostN/AN/A4568

Shatter (Passive 3)

Enemies that are frozen solid will explode when killed, dealing Hybrid damage to nearby enemies.
This effect can also be triggered by other players who kill the frozen targets.

UpgradesBaseTier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4Tier 5
Star CostN/AN/AN/AN/A1015


The player starts off at level 1. Every time the Sorcerer levels up, stat boosts are gained.
What differs the Sorcerer from other classes is his high base mana, allowing the casting of many spells in quick succession before a recharge is required.

To get stats at a given level, use the equation "X = scaling * (level-1) + Level_1_stat"

Attribute values by level
AttributeHealthManaHealth RegenMana RegenArmorResistance
Level 140750.0001.502.0
Scaling per Level +5 +16 +0.025 +0.1 +0.2 +0.5
Level 245910.0251.60.22.5
Level 3501070.0501.70.43.0
Level 4551230.0751.80.53.5
Level 5601390.1001.90.64.0
Level 10852190.2252.41.86.5
Level 151102990.3502.92.89.0
Level 201353790.4753.43.811.5
Level 251604590.6003.94.814.0
Level 301855390.7254.45.816.5
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Sorcerer - Heroes of Hammerwatch wiki (2024)


What is the difference between wizard and sorcerer in Hammerwatch? ›

The sorcerer features potent offensive and defensive abilities, including options for both close and long range, and whilst he shares the fragility of the wizard, he trades in the wizard's explicit close-quarters and area-of-effect prowess for unique options with greater range and flexibility.

What is the highest level in Heroes of Hammerwatch? ›

The level cap is 20. You no longer gain exp once at level 20. The level cap increases by 5 for every time the character beats the game and goes into New Game plus (aka NG+). You can check your character's level cap by hovering over the EXP tracker in your character menu.

What skills do sorcerers have in Heroes of Hammerwatch? ›

The Sorcerer has 3 passive skills: Biting Chill, Ice Barrier, and Shatter. Biting Chill slows enemies hit by the Sorcerer's skills by a varying percentage for a short duration. Ice Barrier gives percent change to halve incoming damage and apply Biting Chill to the attacker.

How do you unlock the gladiator in Heroes of Hammerwatch? ›

The Gladiator is unlocked by beating the Arena once.

Is sorcerer or wizard better? ›

Gameplay. Being naturally magical, a Sorcerer has the advantage that they do not need to carry a spellbook nor maintain favor with a patron. Unfortunately, it does come with the trade-off of having access to fewer spells. Unlike a wizard who can accumulate spells over time, a sorcerer has a set amount.

Is sorcerer better than mage? ›

Mage Vs Sorcerer: Which Vocation is Better In Dragon's Dogma 2? The answer to which is better is dependent on what you, the player, want to do with your own character or your pawn. If the goal is to make a character that will focus on healing and supporting allies, Mage is the way to go.

What is the best class to start with in Heroes of Hammerwatch? ›

I suggest starting out with Paladin/Warlock as their upgrades are extremly important. Next up consider Ranger/Wizard. After that you should go for Sorcerer/Gladiatior. Last but not least are the Thief and Priest.

Can you max all skills in Heroes of Hammerwatch? ›

Skill Upgrades

To upgrade all your characters skills, 177 skill stars are required. At character level 30 you should have accumulated 162 skill stars. The additional stars gained from leveling up your guild title levels with fame should give you enough points to max out a character around level 29-30.

Can you play Heroes of Hammerwatch with more than 4 people? ›

Heroes of Hammerwatch

If you want to play with more than 4 people then this is the guide for you. Just change XXX to a number (like 6) and then host the lobby. Note that officially the game supports 4 players and you may experience instability with larger numbers.

What does the luck do in Heroes of Hammerwatch? ›

Luck is a valuable stat because it curves the rolls of all combat related chance effects. For example, it affects the activation chances for Evasion, Critical hits, Drinks, Items, Statues, Curses, and character skills like freezing an enemy with the Sorcerer.

What is the priest class in Heroes of Hammerwatch? ›

The Priest is one of three unlock-able classes. The Priest is described as a mana-dependent caster focused on healing and magical damage. To unlock the priest, the Chapel must be unlocked.

What does ore do in Heroes of Hammerwatch? ›

Ore is used to expand the player's town, unlocking new features including higher stages of upgrades for gold purchase.

What is the max statue level in Heroes of Hammerwatch? ›

There is also an ore cost for building and upgrading. There is No max level for Statues. Up to 3 can be placed in your town, the boons they provide will be received by any players in your town (If you're in a multiplayer game, you'll receive any Statue Buffs the host has placed).

What is the level cap in Heroes of Hammerwatch? ›

Current level cap is 20, but it goes up by 5 for each new game plus you achieve. You will not be able to max everything by level 20, but you can eventually max out your hero through new game plus runs.

How many bosses are in Heroes of Hammerwatch? ›

There are currently six bosses in Heroes of Hammerwatch, one for each act. Each boss is designed to be substantially more powerful than the previous bosses and floors.

How do you get the wizard in Heroes of Hammerwatch? ›

In order to unlock, the player must find a mage NPC behind a breakable wall secret in the armory, the stage after beating the Warden. This will allow the user to unlock the magic shop in town, which will then allow them to create a Wizard.

Is mage and wizard the same? ›

The terms "wizard" and "mage" are often used interchangeably in the context of magic practitioners, but there are some differences between the two: Gender: A wizard is typically a male magic practitioner, while a mage can be a male or female magic practitioner.

What are the different levels of wizardry? ›

  • Novice (level 1)
  • Magician (level 2)
  • Conjurer (level 4)
  • Warlock (level 7)
  • Sorcerer (level 10)
  • Necromancer (level 14)
  • Wizard (level 17)
  • Magus/Mage (level 20)

Is wizard the strongest class? ›

Wizards are arguably the most powerful character class in Dungeons & Dragons for a few reasons but probably more notably for the sheer power of their spells #1, and to their vast variety of their spell selection #2.

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