Monday, Nov. 12, 1984 The Post-Crescent, Appleton Wis. C-5 Special I Notices 20 Office Clerical Stores, Obituaries Howard E. Bloom Park Drive Neenah Age 82, died early Monday morning, November 12, 1984 at Theda Clark Re gional Medical Center following a brief illness. He was born January 26,1902 in Woodstock, Minnesota the son of Luther C.
and Clara A. Sutton Bloom. He married Valeria Kaufman on September 29, 1929 in Dale. He had been a Neenah resident for 60 years where he was a practicing attorney from 1942 until present. He was a member of the Winnebago Bar Association, the Elisha Kent Kane Lodge No.
61 FAM, the First United Methodist Church, Neenah. Survivors include his wife, Valeria; three daughters: Mrs. Dean (Valeria) Cornwell, Wauwatosa; Mrs. Loren (Violet) Graunke, Neenah; Mrs. Robert (Virginia) Hass, Fort Madison, Iowa; a sister, Mabel Bloom, Woodstock, Minnesota; a brother, Fred Bloom, Minneapolis, Minnesota; seven grandchildren: Douglas Cornwell; Gwen Brack; Susan Bachman; Gail Nell; Dawn' Graunke; David and Daniel Hass.
Private family services will be held Thursday at Westgor Funeral Home with Rev. Perry Saito officiating. Burial will be in Oak Hill Cemetery. Friends may call Wednesday from 4 until 6 p.m. at Westgor Funeral Home.
A memorial has been established. Herbert W. Brockman Route 3, Box 45 Black Creek Formerly of 3322 E. Wisconsin Ave. and 218 E.
Randal age 89, died at 8:15 a.m. Sunday, November 11, 1984 at Appleton Medical Center. He was born September 20, 1895 in the Town of Harrison and had lived in the Appleton area all of his life. Mr. Brockman had been employed as a pipe fitter and fireman at Appleton Papers until his retirement in 1960.
He was a member of Zion Lutheran Church and a World War I Army Veteran. Survivors include a daughter and son-in-law: Mrs. Ruben (Doloris) Uhlenbrauck, Black Creek with whom he had made his home during the past six months; a son, Orville, Long Beach, California; three sisters: Mrs. Alfred (Elsie) Bungert, Mrs. Arnold (Alma) Lemke; Mrs.
Anthony (Marie) Hersant, all of Appleton; five grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death his parents: Mary and Joseph Brockman his wife, Clara (Tiedt) Brockman, on July 11, 1977; a son, Kenneth Brockman, May 24, 1982; a daughter-in- Legal notices STATE OF WISCONSIN OUTAGAMIE COUNTY PROBATE BRANCH INFORMAL ADMINISTRATION: ORDER SETTING TIME AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF IRMA B. LUTZ, Deceased. An application for Informal Administration of the estate of Irma B. Lutz, Outagamie County, Wisconsin, post office address: 920 N.
Leminwah Appleton, WI 54911, having been filed with the Probate Registrar; IT IS ORDERED RED THAT: All creditors' claims must be filed on or before February 2, 1985, or be barred. DATED: November 2, 1984 PROBATE" REGISTRAR Mahoney Stanley C. Bethe Attorney or Personal Representative 1745 N. Meade St. Appleton, WI 54911 Run: Nov.
5, 12 and 19, 1984 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TOWN OF GRAND CHUTE OUTAGAMIE COUNTY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Outagamie County Board of Adiustment will hold a public hearing on November 19, 1984, at 9:45 a.m. in Room A-107 of the Courthouse Annex, 401 South Elm Street, Appleton, Wisconsin to consider the petition of United Properties for a variance to the following terms of the Outagamie County Zoning Ordinance. Section 17.23(10) (in part) in no case shall any parking be located within the limits of a vision corner as established in this section. The applicant wishes to locate parking within the limits of a vision corner. The property under consideration is cated south of and adiacent to Glendale Avenue and west of and adiacent to the Soo Line Railroad tracks; in the Northeast of the Southeast of Section 21, Township 21 North, Range 17 East, Town of Grand Chute, Outagamie County.
For particulars, reference is made to documents on file in the Office of Planning and Zoning Administration, 4th floor, Courthouse, 410 South Walnut Street, Appleton, Wisconsin. Telephone: 414-735-5255. Any interested person may address the Board of Adiustment by letter or appear in person or by agent and be heard. Dated this 31st day of October, 1984. OUTAGAMIE COUNTY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT JOHN MUCH, CHAIRMAN File V-13-84 Run: Nov.
5 and 12, 1984 IRA? Check with State Farm Competitive Rates Guaranteed Lifetime Income Waiver of Premium for Disability Option "Good Neighbor" Service VINCE STE. MARIE, Agent STATE FARM INSURANCE CO. 1407 N. LYNNDALE DRIVE PHONE 734-5868 APPLETON, WIS. 54911 Like a good neighbor State Farm is there State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company Home Office: Bloomington, Illinois ALWAYS BUYING Diamonds, coins, class rings, dental gold, stamp collections, old post cards, sterling silver etc, AVENUE COINS, 229 E.
College, 731-4740. LOSE WEIGHT For the holidays and feel great! For more info, call Judy, 779-6958 after 5 p.m. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS Can show drug users how to be free of the habit. They have been there, and they have recovered. You can too.
Call 3235 (Information and referral) 24 hours. 10 Business Services ARCHITECT Full service, independent. 414-989-2207, Kenneth L. Van Dehy Architect PROFESSIONAL Decorating Painting or Wallpapering 722-7373 after 5 KIRBY SALES SERVICE Genuine parts in stock. 1235 W.
College Ave. 734-1889 PERMA WAY Waterproofing Company 731-2151 WET BAsem*nT Patented solution, lifetime guarantee. B- DRY Systems 414-899-3905 White space Increases Readership of Ads! Instructions AIRLINE CAREERS Let the professionals train you for airline. reservations, ticketing, station agent and travel agents. Your airline training begins at home, then add for resident training for four exciting weeks of final preparation.
Part of your training will be on reservations and computer systems used by airlines. For interview appointment, call Mr. Knutson, mornings at: (414) 548-0996 NORTHWEST SCHOOLS Portland, OR BEAUTICIAN'S COLLEGE Skilled hairstylists command fine positions at top earnings. Study with the professional at IBA Prestige Beauty Colleges. FOR THE SUCCESS YOU THE EDUCATION YOU NEED WANT Call or Write for free information: City College of Cosmetology 423 W.
College Avenue Appleton, WI 54911 WELHOUSE SCHOOL OF REAL ESTATE Workshops November CEU, Pre-license Classes Day or Oct. Call 734-2635 NOTICE. Designation as to sex in our Help Wanted columns are made only (1) to indicate bona fide occupational qualifications for employment which an employer regards as reasonably necessary to the nor mal operation of his business or enterprise, or (2) as a convenience to our readers to let them know which positions the advertiser believes would be of more interest to one sex than the other because of the nature of the work involved. Such designations shall not be taken to indicate that any advertiser intends or practices any unlawful preference, limitation, specification or discrimination in employment practices. EMPLOYMENT 20 Office Clerical IT'S A "CLASSIFIED SECRET!" We'll never reveal the identity of a Post-Crescent box holder.
However, if you don't want your reply to go to certain companies, seal your reply in an envelope addressed to the box holder. Attach a note listing groups or companies you don't want the reply to reach; put the reply and note in an envelope addressed to Post-Crescent Classified, P.O. Box 59, Appleton, WI 54912. If the Box Number you're answering is on your list, we'll discard your reply. ACCOUNT COORDINATOR Immediate opening for person with property casuality insurance experience as Coordinator to assist account executive.
Part time position requiring good typing skills, ability to compose letters, handle correspondence, and telephone contact. Call 1-800-242-9028. BILLING CLERK Hours: 6 p.m. 2 a.m. Must have good typing or CRT skills.
Good benefit package. Pleasant working environment. Salary open. Send resume to: Director of Personnel P.O. Box 785 Neenah, WI 54956 rience required.
Send resume to P.O. Box 2848, Appleton, WI 54914. For Auto Dealer ship, Expe- CITY OF NEENAH Accounting Clerk Finance Department The City of Neenah is seeking an entry level Accounting Clerk to perform various accounting and bookkeeping duties involving accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll preparation and records control in a computerized environment. High school graduation plus one year related experience in an office role required. Additional accounting or bookkeeping education may be substituted for work experience.
CRT operating knowledge is definite plus. Salary commensurate with skills and experience. Excellent fringe benefits. Submit application, resume and salary requirements no later than November 30, to J. J.
Kraus, Director of Administration, P.O. Box 426, Neenah, WI 54956. The City of Neenah is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of handicapped status in its employment activity. GENERAL OFFICE Part time evenings at local clinic. Filing, copying, 5-7 p.m.
Send resume and salary requirements to: Box B-77, P.O. Box 59, Appleton, WI 54912. Package Express WE SHIP U.P.S. D.H.L WORLDWIDEN 739-6000 CLERICAL Good typing skills necessary. Variety of duties, including filing, photocoping and general office work.
Flexible hours fall and winter close to full time, light summer schedule. Apply in writing to: B.L. Olson SCHUMAKER, ROMENESKO ASSOCIATES, SC P.O. Box 2459 Appleton, WI 54913 INSURANCE CLERK Part time clinic position, 11-5 p.m., plus coverage for vacation or Illness. Experience preferred.
Send resume and salary requirements to: Box 8-77, Post-Crescent, P. O. Box 59, Appleton, WI 54912 LEGAL SECRETARY Excellent full time opportunity in established Kaukauna law firm. Legal experience helpful, but not necessary. Typing skills required.
Send resume, in confidence to: Box B-76, Post-Crescent. P.O. Box 59, Appleton, WI 54912 MEDICAL RECORDS CLERK Local clinic needs part time clerk, 16 hours per week, plus coverage for vacation or illness. Send resume and salary requirements to: Box B-77, PostCrescent, P.O. Box 59, Appleton, WI 54912 NORRELL Temporary Serv.
Secretaries Typists 734-7055 PART TIME Reliable individual to work evenings in small computer department. will train. Send resume to: Box B-75, Post-Crescent, P.O. Box 59, Appleton, WI 54912. OFFICE ASSISTANT Full and part time, will train.
Please send resume, salary expected and phone number. Do not call you will be contacted for personal interview. HABIGHORST CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE, S.C. 226 Main St. Menasha, WI 54952 TELEPHONE CONSOLE CLERK To begin work Part time 30-36 hrs.
per week P.M.'S. Tech. school accounting clerk certificate and 1-3 years experience preferred. Wages commensurate with experience and training. Send resume to: Box B-61, Post-Crescent, Appleton, WI 54912 We do TYPING in our office.
MANPOWER SERVICES 729-1166 11 TYPISTS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Experienced, 50-60 wpm. Call for an appointment, 739-0131. MANPOWER TEMPORARY SERVICES 1477 Kenwood Center Midway Menasha 21 Stores, Restaurants BARTENDERS WANTED Part time evenings weekends. Some cooking skills helpful. 722-7416 eves.
BARTENDER Noons and evenings Call 722-2921 CASHIER Full time and part time. Must be 19 years or older. Apply in per son at Mighty Mart, corner of Wisconsin Lynndale, Appleton, between 10 a.m. 6 p.m. CASHIER Must be at least 18 years of age.
No experience necessary. Apply in person at the Moasis Truck Stop, Little Chute FRONT DESK CLERK Full time position. Able to work days or evenings, holidays weekends. Must have a pleasant telephone voice and be able to communicate well with customers. Neat in appearance.
Will train on the iob. Apply in person: PAPER VALLEY HOTEL 333 W. College Ave. GOOD COMPANY Is now accepting applications for all positions. Full Parttime.
Apply in person 2-4 p.m. daily. 321 E. College Ave. No phone calls, please HELP WANTED Part-time seasonal retail sales people needed for an outpost booth in Fox River Mall.
Day supervisor, evening supervisor several other positions available. Applications interviews being given on Mon. 11-12-84 between Skylight Court area of Fox River Mall PIZZA DRIVER NEEDED Must have car be 18 years of older. Apply in person, Butch's Pizza, 1513 Cass Appleton. 731-1318 Experienced.
Fortune Cookie Restaurant, Northland Mall. 30 hours per week, nights and weekends. Apply between 2 and p.m. MR. CINDERS.
WICHMANN FURNITURE Full time furniture sales position. Apply in person. Wichmann Furniture 513 W. College Appleton. 22 Skills Crafts law, Arlene Kranzusch Brockman; three grandchildren: Gregory, Bonnie and Diane; four brothers: Edward, Joseph Arthur and George.
The funeral be 2 p.m. Wednesday at Zion Lutheran Church, 912 N. Oneida St. with Rev. Leon L.
Knitt officiating. Interment will be in Highland Memorial Park. Friends may call at the Wichmann Funeral Home, 537 N. Superior St. from 2 until 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday and after 10 a.m. Wednesday at the church until the time of service. A memorial fund has been established for the wheel chair lift at Zion Lutheran Church. John A. Brodzinski 830 Third Menasha Age 88, died unexpectedly Sunday morning at his home.
He was born June 20, 1896 in Menasha, where he had been a lifelong resident. He had been employed by the American Can Company, retiring in was a member of their Quarter Century Club. He was member of the Holy Name Society, of St. John Catholic Church and was a World War I army veteran, barricks no. 2318 of Neenah Menasha.
Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. John (Elgene) Hesselman, Neenah; four sisters: Mrs. Martha Sawa, Detroit, Michigan; Mrs. Elsie Poole, Palm Springs, California; Mrs. Edna McDiarmid, Long Beach, California; Mrs.
Valeria B. Fisher, Menasha; four grandchildren: Cheryl, Earl, Allen, Mark. He was pre ceded in death by his wife, Anna in July, 1983. Services will be Wednesday, 12:30 p.m. at the Laemmrich Funeral Home, and 1 p.m.
at St. John Catholic Church, Menasha with Rev. Jerome Watry officiating. Burial will be in St. John Cemetery.
Friends may call from 4 until 9 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home, there will be an 8 p.m. prayer service. A memorial has been established. Edwin Van Dyke 220 S.
State St. Age 76, died at 12:05 p.m. Sunday, November 11, 1984 at St. Elizabeth Hospital. He was born April 7, 1908 in Freedom.
Mr. Van Dyke had been enin farming most his life, and also been employed by Van Dyke Excavating and Appleton Wood Products. He was known for salvaging of aluminum cans can He was a member of St. Bernard Catholic Church, the Men of St. Bernards; and Agers of the Senior Citizen Center.
Survivors include his wife, Almyra (Kohl) Dyke, to whom he had been married 51 years on November 2, 1984; a son and daughter in-law: Richard and Nancy Van Dyke, New London; three daughters and sons-in-law: Joan and Marvin Vetter, Park City, Illinois; Mary and Kenneth Hansen, Appleton; Esther and Timothy Thompson, New London; three brothers: Ben and Fred, Appleton; George, Kimberly; two sisters: Della Dorn, Kimberly; Helen Le Roy, Rock Island, Illinois; 21 grandchildren and 23 great -grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; three sisters: Maime Hoffmann, Gertrude Daverveld, Frances Brock; and a brother, John. The complete funeral will be 11 a.m. Tuesday at St. Bernard Catholic Church with Father Orville Janssen officiating.
Interment will be in St. Mary Cemetery. Friends may call at the Funeral Home, 537 N. Superior St. from 4 until 9 p.m.
Monday (tonight) and after 8 a.m. Tuesday until the cortege leaves for the church. The prayer and scripture service will be 7:30 p.m. Monday (tonight) A memorial fund is being established. John L.
(Jack) Kraus 4810 Wild Flower Lane Age 32, died at 5 a.m. Sunday, November 11, 1984, at St. Elizabeth Hospital following a courageous battle with cancer. He was born September 18, 1952, in Appleton and had been an area resident all of his life. He attended Appleton schools and graduated from the University of Oshkosh.
Mr. Kraus had been employed at Pierce Manufacturing Company as a purchasing agent and was a member of St. Bernard Catholic Church. He will be sadly missed by his wife, Maureen Kraus; a daughter, Alexis, at home; his parents, Joe and Rose Kraus, Grand Chute; his mother and father-in-law, Tom and Ginny O'Shea, Appleton; a brother and sister-in-law, Jim and Wendy Kraus, Neenah. He was preceded in death by his paternal grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry (Mary) Kraus and his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry (Kate) DeLeeuw. The complete funeral will be 10 a.m.
Wednesday at Rest: Bernard Catholic Church, with Orville Janssen officiating. Interment will be in Highland Memorial Park. Friends may call at the Wichmann Funeral Home, 537 N. Superior St. from 4 until 8 p.m.
Tuesday and from 8 a.m. Wednesday until the cortege leaves for the church. The prayer and scripture service will be at 7 p.m. Tuesday. A memorial fund is being established.
Helen M. Lingnofski 512 Appleton St. Menasha Age 79, died Sunday morning following a lingering illness. She was born September 25, 1905 in Menasha, where she had been a lifelong resi- SEE THE LATEST IN HEARING TECHNOLOGY THE CANAL AID Think of It as a Contact Lens for Your Ear Come in and see this tiny, electronic hearing instrument which fits entirely in-the-ear. it may be the answer you have been looking for.
The CANAL AID has reduced wind noise problems and has excellent telephone compatability. FREE HEARING TEST For Appointment Phone: 738-2322 BILLINGSLEY HEARING AIDS 230 E. Pacific Street, Appleton, W1 54911. Phone 739-2322 dent. She had been employed by the George Banta Company, retiring in 1969 and was a member of their Quarter Century Club.
She was a member of the Rosary Society and the Sacred Heart Society of St. John Catholic Church. Survivors include two nephews and a Gary and Catherine Ashenbrenner. Services will be Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. at the Laemmrich Funeral Home and 10 a.m.
at St. John Catholic Church, with Rev. Jerome Watry officiating. Burial will be in St. John Cemetery.
Friends may call from 4 until 9 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home. There will be 7 p.m. Rosary Sacred Heart Society Rosary, and an 8 p.m. prayer service.
Melvin C. Parthie (Mev) Rt. 1, Hortonville Age 67, died unexpectedly Sunday, November 11, 1984, at his residence. He was born September 8, 1917, in the town of Ellington, the son of the late Ben and Louise Parthie. Mr.
Parthie was a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Stephensville, and was active in the Stephensville community. He had owned and operated the Stephensville saw mill until his retire ment. Survivors include a brother, Merton, Stephensville; two sisters, Mrs. Ford (Marion) Hinkle, Port Clinton, Ohio, and Mrs.
Elaine We ber, Appleton; seven nieces and nephews; and five great-nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents; and two brothers, Leland Lyle. The funeral service will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday, November 13, 1984, from St. Paul Lutheran Church, with the Rev.
James Gorsegner officiating. Burial will be in the Ellington Cemetery. Friends may call at the Borchardt and Moder Funeral Home, Hortonville, after 4 p.m. Monday (today) until 11 a.m. Tuesday, and then at the church until the hour of service.
Mrs. Clarence Pevonka (Jean) 19 Cherry Shawano Age 63, died Monday morning, November 12, 1984, in Green Bay. The funeral service will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday, November 14, 1984, at the Peace United Church of Christ, Shawano. Visitation at the Karth-Ko pitzke Funeral Home, Shawano, from 4 to 9 p.m.
Tuesday, and from 10 a.m. Wednesday at the church, until the hour of service. Nathan V. Powers "Sonny" 1711 S. Walden Ave.
Age 55, died unexpectedly at 6:53 p.m. Saturday, November 10, 1984. He was born November 14, 1928, in Appleton where he had been a life long resident. On May 23, 1953, he married Esther Wiatrowski in Neenah. Mr.
Powers had been employed by Artfaire, formerly Tuttle Press, for 31 years. He served his country as a Sargeant in the Air Force for four years during the Korean Conflict. Survivors include his wife, Esther (Wiatrowski) Powers, Appleton; a stepdaughter, Beverly Ann Schulze, San Jose, California; a stepson and stepdaughter-in-law, Allen and Judy Yingling, Appleton; three sisters and a brother-in-law: Joyce Powers, Appleton; Loretta LaBell, Appleton; Mrs. Vincent (Millicent) Sarley, Fort Lauderdale, Florida; five stepgrandchildren; four stepgreatgrandchildren. 'He was preceded in death by his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lester (Alice) Powers. He will be missed by many, many friends. The complete funeral will be 11 a.m. Tuesday at the Wichmann Funeral Home with Father Michael Koch officiating.
Interment will be in Highland Memorial Park. Friends may call at the Wichmann Funeral Home, 537 N. Superior from 5 until 9 p.m. Monday (tonight) and from 8 a.m. Tuesday until the time of the service.
CLASSIFIED INDEX ANNOUNCEMENTS 2 Funeral Directors Card of Thanks Happy Ads Personals 6 Cemetery Lots 7 Travel Tours 8 Special Notices Lost Found 10 Business Services 11 Instructions 12 Christmas Trees 13 Professional Notices EMPLOYMENT 20 Office Clerical 21 Stores, Restaurants 22 Skills Crafts 23 Administrative Professional 24 Sales Agents 25 Domestic Child Care 26 Part Time 27 Employment Agencies 28 Employment Resumes 29 Miscellaneous 30 Employment Wanted 31 Homework Wanted 32 Farm Labor FINANCIAL 38 Business Opportunity 39 Investment Property 40 Wanted Business Opportunity 41 Securities, Mortgages 42 Money to Loan 43 Wanted to Borrow MERCHANDISE 46 Good Things to Eat 47 Store Specials 48 Public Sales 49 Home Furnishings 50 Rummage Sales 51 Antiques 52 Appliances 53 Hi-Fi, Stereo, Radio, TV 54 Wearing Apparel 55 Musical Merchandise 56 Dogs, Cats, Pets 57 Hunting Animals 58 Lawn and Garden Needs 59 Snow Equipment 60 Articles for Rent 61 Articles for Sale 62 Building Supplies 63 Heating Equipment 64 Plumbing Supplies 65 Construction Equip. Tools 66 Air Conditioning 67 Business Equipment 68 Fuel, Wood, Oil 70 Wanted to Buy 71 Swaps-Trades 77 Teen Crier RECREATION 79 Boats and Accessories 80 Snowmobiles 81 Sporting Goods 82 Camping Equip. For Sale 83 Campgrounds 84 Bicycles- Toys 85 Hobbies Crafts Mrs. Alvin A. Smarzinski (Cora Rohde) 716 John Menasha Age 60, died Sunday morning, November 11, 1984, at Theda Clark Re gional Medical Center, following a lengthy illness.
She was born April 19, 1924, in Iron Ridge, Wisconsin, the daughter of the late August Friedrich and Anna Louise Thalke Rode. Mrs. Smarzinski had been a resident most of her life. She married Al Smarzinski June 28, 1947, in Neenah. She was a member of St.
Gabriel Catholic Church, Neenah. Survivors include her husband, Al A. (Smack); two daughters and law, Jean and Mark Kastenholz, Grand Rapids, Michigan, and Pam and Jeffrey Lamia, Neenah; a son and daughter-in-law, Michael and Beth Smarzinski, Menasha; a brother, Walter Rohde, Menasha; a sister, Lillian Zirbel, Waukesha; and three grandchildren, Andrew Lamia, Jason Kastenholz and Kristin Smarzinski. The funeral service will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday, at the Kessler Funeral Home, and at 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday, at St. Garbriel Catholic Church, Neenah, with the Rev. Lawrence A. Stingle officiating. Entombment will be in the Shrine of Heaven Masouleum, Neenah.
Friends may call at the Kessler Funeral Home from 4 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, where a prayer service will be held at 8 p.m. A memorial has been established for the American Cancer Society. Miss Carola P. Trittin Age 78, formerly of Appleton, lately of Parkside Care Center, died at 7:35 a.m.
Monday, November 12, 1984 folIwoing an extended illness. She was born September 6, 1906 in Wausau, Wisconsin and moved to Appleton as a young girl, where she graduted from Appleton High School and from Lawrence Univeristy with a Bachelors degree. She later received her Masters Degree in Psychology from Western Michigan University, where she also taught paper chemistry. She had been a research chemist for the former Appleton Coated Paper Company. She was also a research chemist for Container Corporation, Chicago.
Prior to her, retirement she taught high school chemistry in Bloomfield Hills. She is survived by a brother, Mr. Carlson Trittin, Appleton; two sister, Alice Williams, pleton; Mrs. Phoebe Mc Mullen, Appleton; several nieces, nephews, and grandnieces and grandnephews. She was preceded in death by other brothers and sisters.
As per Miss Trittin's wishes her body will be cremated. The Wichmann Funeral Home and Crematory is assisting the family with arrangements. Mrs. Clem Wroblewski (Anne) 751 Fifth St. Menasha Age 60, died Saturday evening at her home following a long courageous battle with cancer.
She was born January 26, 1924 in Kingsford, Michigan. She had been a resident of Menasha since 1947. Survivors include her husband, Clem; two daughters: Mrs. John (Jean) Boetto, New Port Beach, California; Miss Janice Wroblewski, at home; a son, Ronald, Appleton; two brothers: Tony Bucan Romeo, Michigan; Joseph Bucan, Menasha; four sisters: Mrs. Elmer (Mary) Carlson, Taylor, Michigan; Mrs.
Basil (Helen) Smeester, Mrs. Lloyd (Agnes) Lindstrom, both of Kingsford, Michigan; Mrs. Leon (Veronica) Greenleaf, Iron Mountain, Michigan; four grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents and two brothers: Michael and Emil Bucan. Services will be Wednesday, 11 a.m.
at the Laemmrich Funeral Home, and 11:30 a.m. at St. John Catholic Church, Menasha with Rev. Jerome Watry officiating. Burial will be in St.
John Cemetery. Friends may call from 4 until 9 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home. There will be an 8 p.m. prayer service.
A memorial has been established. 86 Do-It- Yourself 87 Motorcycles 88 Rec Vehicles REAL ESTATE RENT 93 Rental Agencies 94 Room Board 95 Rooms for Rent 96 Apartments Furnished 97 Apartments Unfurnished 98 Garages for Rent 99 Houses for Rent 100 Cottages for Rent 101 Lake Property for Rent 102 Business Property 103 Storage Space 104 Farms and Acreage 105 Wanted to Rent REAL ESTATE SALE 110 Home Building Offers 111 Realty Loans, Insurance 112 Houses for Sale 113 Twin City Houses 114 Condominiums for Sale 115 Lots for Sale 116 Out of Town Property 117 Business Property 118 Development Land 119 Farms 120 Acreage 121 Cottages, Lake Property 122 River Property For Sale 123 Real Estate Wanted 124 Buildings Moved, Razed MOBILE HOMES 130 Mobile Homes For Sale 131 Mobile Homes For Rent 132 Mobile Homes Wanted 133 Mobile Home Supplies 134 Mobile Home Sites FARMERS' MARKET 141 Livestock 142 Livestock Wanted 143 Horses and Accessories 144 Farm Services 145 Farm Loans 146 Land Rentals 147 Poultry Supplies 148 Farm Equipment 149 Wanted -Farm Merchandise 150 Farm Dairy Products 151 Farm Seed and Plants 152 Auction Service 153 Auction Calendar TRANSPORTATION 160 Auto Loans, Insurance 161 Automotive Accessories 162 Auto Servicing 163 Auto Trailers 164 Trailer Rentals 165 Automotive Wanted 166 Trucks For Sale 167 Auto Truck Rentals 168 Sport Cars 169 Autos for Sale 171 Aviation ATTENTION: SALON MANAGERS: OR INSTRUCTORS Have YOU considered a career as a cosmetology instructor? Learn while you earn. Excellent benefits both in education compensation. Call today. Your future depends on it.
Call Mrs. Olsen 739-4313 from IBA City College of Cosmetology AUTO MECHANICS 2 openings. Import or Domestic. Experience required. Send inquiries with previous work tory to P.O.
Box 2848, Appleton, WI 54914. DENTAL ASSISTANT Full time. Must be enthusiastic, cheerful and experienced in four -handed dentistry. Write Box B-60, Post-Crescent, Appleton, WI. 54912 DRIVER Moving company looking for experienced Driver to do moving.
Must be DOT approved. Call 734-6052. ELECTRICIANS Experienced in Commercial and Industrial areas. Apply in person, Town Country Electric, Inc. 1075 Van Dyke Appleton.
No Phone Calls. FOX VALLEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR seeking qualified job site superintendents. Will be responsible for layout, cost control, crew scheduling for individual proiects up to $5 million. Submit resume in confidence to: P.O. Box 962, Appleton, WI 54912.
GM MECHANIC Must be certified. Contact Tom, Behm Chev, 779-4557. HAIR DRESSER Full time. Will also be trained to work in Tanning Spa. 722-2341 MILLS FLEET FARM We have the following position opportunities available immediately at both our OSHKOSH and APPLETON store locations: AUTO SERVICE CENTER SUPERVISOR Excellent opportunity person to be responsible for operation of retail store automotive service center.
Qualifications must include mechanical management experience in 0 retail store auto service center, tire company service facility, etc. AUTO SERVICE CENTER MECHANIC Full-time position for person experienced in tire mounting, balancing replacement of variety of auto parts accessories. Previous work background at a retail store auto service center, tire company service facility, auto dealership garage, preferred. AUTO ALIGNMENT SPECIALIST Full-time position available immediately for person fully experienced in all aspects of frontend alignment, repair parts replacement tor automobile light pick -up trucks. Applicants for these positions must be willing to work a ible schedule including days, nights weekends.
These positions offer fine compensation and an extensive, fully company paid benefit program for employee dependents. To apply, complete an application form at either of the below store locations. No phone inquiries, please. Interviews for selected applicants will be arranged in the near future. MILLS FLEET FARM 3215-25 W.
Wisconsin Ave. Appleton, WI MILLS FLEET FARM 177 N. Washburn Rd. Oshkosh, WI MOTORCYCLE MECHANIC Full time position. Wages based on experience.
Send resume to: Box B-71, Post-Crescent, P.O. Box 59, Appleton, WI 54912. NURSING ASSISTANTS We are currently seeking part time N.A's, for 3 to 11 shift. Join a challenging field of geriatric nursing. Apply Monday thru Friday, 9 a.m, to 4 p.m.
or call 739-0111. OAKRIDGE GARDEN NURSING CENTER 1700 Midway Rd. Menasha, WI 54952 ANNOUNCEMENTS HAPPY ADS Make People Happy With A Happy Ad! Greetings Anniversaries Birthdays Special Events 3 Day $1.50 Ph. 734-1492 HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEAN HEEGEMAN We hope you have many many more. with All Our Love Your Children, Grandchildren, And Your Hubby HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY SUSAN Love, Mark 5 Personals FUZZY BARE Exotic Entertainment.
Quality Performance. 469-9882 Special Notices ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 24 HRS. A DAY Need help? 731-4331 APPLETON AREA Starting ANOREXIA BULIMIA SELF HELP GROUP If Interested Please Call 739-3235 (days) ask for Jim Holler PHOTO LAB PHOTO LAB Needs experienced 5s printer. Only day work. Call between 8 a.m, 5 p.m.
731-5461 Rocky Rococo PAN STYLE PI ROCKY ROCOCO PAN STYLE PIZZA IS OPENING AT 3600 W. COLLEGE WE NEED: Pizza bakers, prep people, counter people, hostesses, bus people, and delivery drivers. Apply in person during the following times: Monday, Nov. 12, p.m. 1-4 p.m.
Apply at: Job Service 1313 Midway Menasha Equal Opportunity Employer" "EMPLOYER PAID" EXECUTIVE We have an immediate opening for an experienced secretary to work for our President. Excellent typing skills required. The successful candidate will be well organized and willing to work occasional overtime to meet deadlines. Submit resume or apply in person: CHURNY INC. 100 W.
Main St. P.O. Box 640 Weyauwega, WI 54983.